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Friday, July 10, 2009

Install Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope)

Booting from CD

  1. To begin the installation process, insert the installation CD into your CD-ROM drive. Ensure that the computer is set to boot from the CD-ROM drive first.
  2. A boot menu will appear. Select Install in text mode.

  3. If you need to change the language, keyboard type or display mode, press F2, F3 or F4 respectively and select the appropriate option.

  4. If you need to use an accessibility feature (such as a screen magnifier or screen reader) during the installation, press F5. You can select options on this menu by pressing the up and down keys, then pressing Return to select an option. The order of the options on this menu are as follows:

    • None (default option)

    • High Contrast

    • Magnifier

    • Screen Reader

    • Braille Terminal

    • Keyboard Modifiers

    • On-Screen Keyboard

  5. You may need to set advanced boot options by pressing F6. If you are at all unsure of what this is for, do not use this feature.

  6. Once you have selected an installation option, press Return to begin the installation.

Selecting your language and timezone

  1. Choose language

    1. Select your language and press Return.

    2. Depending on which language you selected, you may be asked to choose which country or region you are in. Choose an appropriate country and then press Return.

  2. Ubuntu installer main menu

    1. You will be asked about detecting your keyboard layout. If you would like the installer to detect your keyboard layout for you, select Yes and press Return. If you know which keyboard layout you have, select No and press Return.

    2. If you pressed Yes, you will be asked several questions. Answer the questions and the installer should detect your keyboard layout correctly.

    3. Once keyboard detection has completed, select Continue and press Return.

Hardware detection and network configuration

  1. The installer will detect your hardware and then load some additional components if required. This may take a little while.
  2. Configure the network

    1. The installer will attempt to automatically configure your network connection by using DHCP. If it fails to do this, either enter your network settings manually or continue without changing any settings. You can change network settings after installation.
    2. You will be asked to enter the hostname for the system. This is the name by which the computer will be known on the network. If you are unsure, just choose the default hostname of ubuntu. Once finished, press Return.

Partitioning the hard disk

  1. The installer will detect your hard disks and other hardware before starting the partitioner. This should only take a short while.
  2. Partition disks

    1. You will be asked how you would like to partition your disks. Be very careful at this stage - if you partition your disks incorrectly, you could lose or erase data stored on your hard disk.
    2. If you would like Ubuntu to automatically partition the hard disk for you, select Guided - use entire disk and press Return. This will erase your entire hard disk and install Ubuntu onto it.

    3. If you would like to manually partition your hard disk, select Manual and press Return.

    4. Partition your hard disks as appropriate, by creating and deleting partitions as appropriate. Select Help on partitioning on the main partitioning screen if you are unsure of anything.

    5. Once you have finished partitioning, a confirmation screen will be displayed, asking if you would like to write the changes to disk. To continue with the installation, select Yes and press Return. " src="" title="" width="15" height="15"> Pay careful attention to this step of the installation process, you cannot undo changes made at this point, and you may lose data if you chose the wrong options.

See DrivesAndPartitions for more information on partitioning your hard disks correctly.

Setting the time and creating user accounts

  1. Configure the clock

    1. You will be asked if the system clock is set to UTC, which is the GMT +0 time zone. If it is, select Yes, otherwise select No and select your time zone or skip this step. You can change the time zone after installation.

  2. Set up users and passwords

    1. You will be asked what the name of the main user of the system is. Enter their name (first name and surname) and press Return.

    2. You will be asked what username you would like to use for the main user account. Type an appropriate (lower case) username and press Return.

    3. You will be asked to choose a password. Choose a password which is hard to guess, and try to include numbers and special characters (such as '?' and '#') in it. You will be asked to enter the password twice, to make sure that you haven't mis-typed it.
    4. Press Return after entering your password for the second time. Ubuntu will then be installed onto your computer.

Installing the base system

  1. Installing the base system

    1. The installer will start copying programs to your hard disk. This may take quite a while, as the operating system must be copied to your hard disk.
  2. Select and install software

    1. Other software (such as a web browser and an office suite) will automatically be copied onto your hard disk. This may also take quite a while, as a large amount of software must be copied onto your computer.
    2. During this process, you will be asked about Configuring xserver-xorg. It should be safe to just press Return to continue with the installation. However, if you like, you can use this opportunity to select which display resolutions you may want to use in the future. Several should already be selected.

Finalising the installation

  1. The installation will complete and you will be asked to reboot. Press Return.

  2. The computer should restart into a new installation of Ubuntu. Congratulations!

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